
We Offer Refrigeration Services


We at Gembecki Mechanical Services are proud to be a well-known and respected provider of equipment and services for heating and air conditioning in central Florida.  However, in addition to being one of the leading HVAC companies in Orlando, Fla., we also provide refrigeration services for restaurants, stores, florists, medical facilities, and other types of businesses.


We Service All Types of Refrigeration Equipment

Gembecki’s expert technicians can install and maintain all types of refrigerated equipment, including ice machines, freezers, wine cellars, and all styles of coolers. Whether you have a walk-in cooler in your restaurant, floral coolers in your florist shop, or reach-in coolers in your convenience store or ice cream shop, our technicians can install and service them. We have the parts and equipment to maintain all leading brands of commercial refrigeration, including Hoshizaki, Scotsman, and True. We are also the Contracted Service Representative for leading ice machine company Manitowoc.


All of us at Gembecki know how important glass door display coolers and freezers are for small business owners. They let your customers see what you have to offer, and allow you to present your merchandise in an attractive and easy-to-select manner. We understand that well-maintained refrigeration equipment is crucial to the livelihood of many small businesses that sell or need to stock perishable items. If they break down, you can lose valuable merchandise, not to mention customers.

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