
Wait, don’t close off those air vents.

Most homes have air vents with fins that can be adjusted. These fins can be used to direct airflow at a particular angle. You can close those vents off completely. You might think that you can save energy by closing off the vents in unused rooms, but that is not the case. Not only can this cost you more on your utility bills, it can also cost you more in repairs in the long run.

In order for your HVAC system to work as it’s designed, there must be adequate airflow. Most systems are calibrated in such a way that a change in airflow can choke out energy efficiency and put excess strain on the system’s components. Closing off air vents in your home will increase the pressure in your duct work, and that pressure increase backs all the way up to your HVAC system, forcing it to work harder. That increase in pressure will also put excess strain on fans, motors and other equipment, reducing maintenance intervals and leading to more frequent and costly repairs. An Increase in duct pressure will end up causing duct leaks allowing treated air to escape the ventilation system causing your HVAC system to work even harder.

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